Family & Friends:
Today was alright. We got to play
a lot of basketball and then got to work. We had a FHE with our ward mission
leader and the Rodartes (recent converts). We were going to have another FHE
with a part member family but they ended up canceling.
1/10 Tuesday
1/11 Wednesday
Things were better today! We had
a lesson with a man who joined the church about 10 months ago. He is super
awesome and we were able to hear his conversion story. We also had a lesson
with the Herleans, which went well. The
members that came with us helped out a lot. The oldest son told us his story of
feeling the spirit while he was reading the assignment we had left them. He is
ready to get baptized and will probably have a date next time we see them so
that is exciting!
1/12 Thursday
It has rained all day today! I love the rain
here in Las Vegas because it is so rare! Tonight was dope (super cool)! It
started off by knocking on a less actives door and being let in and welcomed
warmly! We got to know him quite well! We found out he has a boy that has
autism who is fourteen and another son who is nine and a daughter that is
seven. They are a great family and he said he hasn't been to the temple in ten
years and wants to get back! He had just talked with his wife about inviting
the missionaries over to get the spirit in their home again and help her
testimony! It was cool to be a part of their beginning of getting back on the
straight and narrow path! After this and dinner, we stopped by a part member
and set a temporary baptismal date for the 28th of this month! It is quick but
that is what they wanted and they have been taught everything and have been to
church a lot! Their goal is getting sealed in the temple. After all of this we
had a lesson with the Fullers! They wanted to sing a song and they chose, “Come
Rejoice....” Y'all know me and I can't sing to save my life and my comp isn't
the greatest either. The main problem was that they didn't know the tune nor
worried about reading all the words. I was able to sing a few notes in between
my resistance to chuckle! They would have sung all four verses, but I spoke up
after the second and asked if they thought that was good and they agreed we had
had Great day!
1/13 Friday
So tonight we had a great dinner! It was some
type of chili and it was pretty good! We had parked a long ways away from
dinner and had walked there stopping and seeing people as we went that
afternoon! It was great except on the walk back it hit Elder McClure that he
needed to go to the bathroom....soon haha. He kept groaning as it kept hitting him! I
thought it was super funny and I was messing with him and would walk slow or
other stuff...I messed around and before long, haha, it hit me and there was no
more slow walking haha. We hustled! Karma is not good sometimes haha. We did
end up making it to the church in time so it was a blessing! I thought those
things only happened in foreign missions!
1/14 Saturday
We met a crazy/interesting man street
contacting today! This man knows what is going to happen before it happens. He
created a math formula when he was 11 years old that tells him what is going to
happen 90 seconds in advanced! Pretty cool huh? So, when I think of a guy that
is telling this stuff, I think of a younger guy that is just a little off but
no this man is 77 years old and has been doing this since he was eleven. It
started out with him seeing us and he said he wanted to tell us a story. In his
45-minute spill I asked him a few questions and had a few responses that were
slightly on the sarcastic side... He was telling me that by knowing his formula
you would save your life multiple times a day! And he talked about his books he
sells and all this good stuff. I had to
ask him why he wasn't the richest man on earth? He said that all his money goes
to his grandson because he doesn't care about money at all... that grandson may
not have the equation for the future figured out but he has got the way to earn
easy money figured out haha. On to the more spiritual side of things, religion
was brought up and he said that any person could be Jesus Christ and the entire
thing was a hoax . . . I was seriously baffled by his response. I wouldn't say it made me mad, but I was
immediately saddened from this man’s negligence. Alma 7:11-12 states:
11 And he shall go forth,
suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that
the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the
sicknesses of his people.
12 And he
will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his
people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be
filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the
flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
Family and Friends. No other man on the face
of this earth now or will be or that has ever been on this earth could/can do
what the Our Savior did. No man could suffer the pains of the world, no man
could suffer for the sins that the world has committed, no man could loose the
bands of death unless that man is the very Son of God. I want each of you to
know that we do indeed have a Savior. We do indeed have an Older Brother that
knows exactly what you are going through and He knows exactly how to help. We
do indeed live after we die, thanks to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
1/15 Sunday
It was a great day. We had five people at church so it was a
successful day!
I am so blessed to be able to see the change and see the Gospel
truly bless and make a difference in people’s life!
I love
you all have a great week.
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